Service, Maintenance & Repair

We can service, maintain and repair all brands of water chillers, heat pump chillers or heat recovery chillers. We will carry out these following manufacturers guidelines with our own procedures based on experience and knowledge.

Maintenance will be done on a monthly or quarterly basis, using standardized chiller check sheets. These sheets are analysed for chiller performance and future reliability.

We will provide 24/7 service response, giving peace of mind that someone can attend your site for any potential breakdowns or failures of critical chilled water systems.

Our fully qualified technicians have extensive knowledge of chillers enabling them to diagnose and provide technical solutions for any kind of fault, providing positive results.

We will not just isolate symptoms, we provide a service to look for root causes of system failure providing longevity for plant efficiency.

Chiller/System Evaluation

DCP has the ability to evaluate your system, providing in-depth reporting on the current status of your machines and connected loads. A common issue found is a lack of balance between the chiller and your heated and cooling loads. This has an adverse effect on your chiller performance, efficiency and longevity. We will provide you with the key solutions to resolve issues and optimize overall system performance.

Chiller Replacement

We will manage the complete Chiller replacement process from decommissioning to recommissioning of new system. This includes:

  • Evaluation of your current chiller including the hydraulic loops and load, chiller controls and whether flow control options can be implemented.
  • Work out best chiller options available to suit your requirements.
  • Decommission old chiller and organise removal.
  • Installation of new chiller, pipework modification, electrical and commissioning.
  • Organisation of warranty maintenance and ongoing maintenance.

Chiller Reconditioning

If you have budget constraints and replacement is not an option, we will evaluate your system to see if it’s a viable option to recondition the chiller. We have just completed a successful refurbishment of a 4 mega watt centrifugal water chiller.

Trane Compressor being craned in after refurbishment for total chiller reconditioning.
Trane Compressor being craned in after refurbishment for total chiller reconditioning.